I shared some of these at the tail-end of a post a few weeks ago and also, some of these weren’t ready to share yet, so I figured I’d pull them together for the readers in case you are interested in joining in or watching some additional fantastic conversations I’ve had the honor to participate in.
Upcoming Events
EDUCAUSE Teaching & Learning Symposium
An online program on June 12, 2024 from 10am-4:30 ET. For pricing, see here.
Description: The 2024 EDUCAUSE Teaching and Learning Symposium brings together our community of higher education teaching and learning professionals for an immersive online conference of shared learning, co-creation, and storytelling.
My Role: I’ll be doing a 15-minute talk on “Learn and Design 4 | Start with Students: A Policy Development Approach” to inspire a design conversation that follows.
Supporting Faculty With MVP: Minimum Viable Practice For Sustained Learning - Online Workshop
A 2-day online workshop on Thursday, June 20, 2024 and Monday, June 24, 2024 from 10:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m. ET. For pricing, see here.
Description: Ever feel like you aren't as engaged in an ongoing manner when supporting faculty? Maybe it's because that support and learning often involve big projects or one-off approaches. Learning often benefits from many smaller interactions and opportunities to practice and reflect over a period of time.
Enter what we call MVP, “minimum viable practice,” where we identify what are the smallest types of interactions and communications that can help sustain learning. This approach helps teaching and learning staff view any interaction as an opportunity to provide incremental help or guidance that fosters some means of transformation for faculty.
Join us for the two-day workshop where we'll guide teaching and learning staff through a series of activities which will help shape and develop their "minimum viable practice". We'll focus on how we can accumulate small wins that add up to larger change over time, moving away from the one big event approach and into a more systematic practice of development that is short, concise, and directly applicable to the daily teaching practices of faculty.
My Role: I’ll be co-designing and facilitating this workshop with Rebecca Darling from Wellesley College.
AACU Institute on AI, Pedagogy, and the Curriculum
A year-long virtual program running from September 2024 to April 2025 (see For pricing, see here. The deadline to apply is May 20.
Description: In September 2024, AAC&U will launch the inaugural Institute on AI, Pedagogy, and the Curriculum. This new, fully online institute is designed to help departments, programs, colleges, and universities respond effectively to the challenges and opportunities artificial intelligence (AI) presents for courses and curricula. Throughout the 2024–25 academic year, the institute will engage participating teams via virtual events, mentorship, and interactions as they develop and implement AI action plans for their classrooms, curricula, and campuses. This is something that colleges as a whole would sign up for with a team of institutional reps participating in the program throughout the year.
My Role: I’ll be one of the faculty who will be both occasionally doing talks for the group as a whole and act as consultant/advising for one of the institutions.
Past Events & Activities
5 Tips for Career Preparation with Generative AI
I was asked to create a video that is oriented towards students on Career Prep in the same vein I did these 8 lightning talks on AI throughout the institution. As always, I include the resources here too in case they’re of use (lots of useful prompts).
The AI Moonshot
This short talk I did for AI For Education as part of their AI summit in April. There were other moonshot talks and you should definitely check them out. In fact, I think mine was the least interesting among them. I got a bit distracted with the idea in a way that wasn’t useful (I think), but appreciated learning from others.
AI AI Ai- Generative AI Inside and Outside the College Classroom
Ok—so not enough people appreciate this title pun, so I have to reiterate it! AI-AI-AI (as in aye aye aye!). This was the live talk I gave at Springfield Technical Community College and you can find out more about that day-long workshop and resources on this post.
AI & OER: Redefining Education?
The Community College Consortium for Open Educational Resources (CCCOER) is a fantastic community and I’ve been a fan since first learning about them in the early 2010s. So I was ecstatic to play moderator to a rich conversation on AI and OER with Anna Mills and Peter Shea.
This was a delightful conversation with two folks whom I deeply appreciate for their rich ideas, critical insights, and willingness to put up with my sometimes cumbersome questions!
Data Science Discussions: Generative AI in the Classroom
This conversation was hosted by the Academic Data Science Alliance. Back with Anna Mills and Amanda Ellis, this conversation had some great gems. I love that despite having been on probably half-a-dozen panels with Anna, I still learn new things everytime we talk and Amanda’s background and focus on the data-science end was equally helpful in considering new elements about AI in the classroom.
Panel Discussion on AI Literacy
The AI in Education is a fantastic listserv run by
. It’s nearly 2000 educators who are exploring learning, and sharing insights about figuring out our way through this. This was delightful in that I got to be in conversation with Maha Bali & Laura Dumin—two folks that just fantastic thinkers in the AI in Education space.If you want to keep up with my talks, panels, etc on AI, I regularly add them to this playlist on YouTube. You can also just subscribe to my YouTube for when I add new items there.
I have some other events coming up that I will be sharing the resources from soon.
AI+Edu=Simplified by Lance Eaton is licensed under Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International